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‘Ram Aa Gaye’, Says PM Modi After Ceremony

'Ram Aa Gaye', Says PM Modi After Ceremony

‘Ram Aa Gaye’, Says PM Modi After Ceremony

AYODHYA, (IANS) – Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on January 22 that after years of struggle, “Ram Lalla (child Lord Ram) is here”.

Addressing a gathering of thousands of people in Ayodhya, following the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ rituals at Ram temple, he said that he is still “shaking” from the spiritual experience of the inauguration of Ram temple, which happened four years after the landmark judgment by the Supreme Court.

The Prime Minister said that Ram is “not a dispute” but “a solution”.

“I have firm belief and immense faith that today, the devotees of Ram are completely absorbed in this historic moment. The devotees of Ram, in every corner of the country and the world, are deeply feeling this. This moment is divine, this moment is the holiest of all,” he stated.

PM Modi also praised the Indian judiciary, saying that they ensured justice, referring to the landmark judgment in the Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid dispute.

“The legal battle over the existence of Lord Ram went on for decades. I would like to express my gratitude to the judiciary of India for doing justice,” he said at the event.

He added that Lord Ram is the “spirit of Indian Constitution”.

Lauding the historic moment of the temple inauguration, the Prime Minister said that Indians have tackled a “complicated past”, but the future looks bright from now on.

He said that he is overjoyed that Lord Ram will no longer reside in a tent.

“Today our Ram has arrived after generations of waiting. On this auspicious occasion, congratulations to everyone. There is so much to tell, but there is a lump in my throat,” he said.

He further said, “January 22, 2024, is not merely a date but marks the advent of a new era. The legal battle over the existence of Lord Ram went on for decades. Ram is mentioned in the first verse in our Constitution, yet it took so many decades for this to happen. That Constitution finally holds true to its mention.”

“Today, I also apologize to Lord Shri Ram. There must be something lacking in our effort, sacrifice, and penance that we could not do this work for so many centuries. Today the work has been completed. I believe that Lord Shri Ram will forgive us today,” he said.

The Prime Minister said, “I got the opportunity to travel from Sagar to Saryu. From Sagar to Saryu, the same festive spirit of Ram’s name is visible everywhere. Ram is not fire, Ram is energy. Ram is not a dispute; Ram is the solution. Ram is not just ours; Ram is everyone’s. Ram is not current, Ram is eternal.”

He termed the Ram Mandir opening as a “humbling moment”. He urged all to light a Ram Jyoti at home. He also took a dig at those who questioned India’s social fabric.

The Prime Minister noted that he heard many verses from the epic Ramayana while reaching the temple for the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony.

After the Pran Pratishtha ceremony, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath presented a model of the Ram temple, made in silver, to Prime Minister and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat.

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  • Wasn’t supposed to Ram, Lakshman, Sita and Hanumanji, all four murthies?

    January 22, 2024
    • All other statues you mentioned + Hanuman and Jataayu, the bird who tried to rescue Sita abduction from Ravana, were/are being installed at and around temple complex.

      The main Ram lalla (lalla = bala = child) pran pratishta statue was the statue of Ram when he was a 5 year child who was born and lived in Ayodhya Raj mahal (royal palace) until he was 5 years. After that he was sent out to Gurukula for education and astra vidya for 14 years, to my knowledge.

      January 23, 2024
  • Faith in Ram is faith in supreme. Some one who has purest Soul . We worship that highest consciousness.

    January 22, 2024
  • Great
    “Ram is not fire, Ram is energy. Ram is not a dispute; Ram is the solution. Ram is not just ours; Ram is everyone’s. Ram is not current, Ram is eternal.”

    January 22, 2024
  • General Comments
    PM Modi is undeniably a deeply religious and spiritual person, but he is also an enormously successful politician who has tirelessly worked hard to make India one of the fastest growing economies in the world, which has garnered a lot of respect, adulation, and goodwill for India, Indians, and Indian diaspora. Therefore, the January 22, 2024 date set for the Prana Pratishtha ritual of Ram Mandir, which is so close to the April-May 2024 general election in India, can be easily construed by some to be politically motivated, especially, since the construction of the temple is not even complete yet. Some Shankaracharyas have shown concerns about the inappropriateness of performing Prana Pratishtha ritual in a temple, which is still under construction, as per Hindu agamas, but their concerns have been ignored. This only reinforces the suspicion regarding the timing of the ritual being politically motivated.
    Hinduism has been too politicized by the politicians, who put too much emphasis on the ritualistic aspect of the religion, but not enough on the philosophical and spiritual teachings of the religion , which constitute the essence of a religion. These teachings need to be studied, reflected upon, and put to practice in day to day life.

    Specific Comments
    * “Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on January 22 that after years of struggle, “Ram Lalla (child Lord Ram) is here”.”
    —Lord Ram is an avatar of Lord Vishnu, God and God is omnipresent and resides everywhere all the time. “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahman” (“All this is Brahman”). What does this statement mean?

    * “ He said that he is overjoyed that Lord Ram will no longer reside in a tent.”
    —Again, God is omnipresent and resides everywhere all the time. What does this statement mean?

    * “Today our Ram has arrived after generations of waiting. On this auspicious occasion, congratulations to everyone. There is so much to tell, but there is a lump in my throat,” he said.
    —If God is omnipresent and everywhere all the time, then where did Ram go and where did he arrive from?

    * “Ram is not fire, Ram is energy. Ram is not a dispute; Ram is the solution. Ram is not just ours; Ram is everyone’s. Ram is not current, Ram is eternal.”
    —This is an excellent line. However, scientifically speaking, fire is also an energy, which can be used for constructive as well as destructive purposes. Energy is manifestation of Ram. Ram transcends dispute as well as its solution. Ram is Us (Aham Brahmasmi). Ram is Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). Above all, Ram is Infinite (“Satyam Gyanam Anantam Brahman” or “Brahman is Existence-Consciousness-Infinite”). An idol is just a convenient means to worship Ram. Prana Pratishtha is just a ritual for the emotional and psychological satisfaction of the devotees. No human can breathe life into a dead being and no human can breathe life into an idol made of stone, let alone turn it into a living God. It simply defies logic and rationality. Swami Vivekananda used to say that spirituality indeed transcends logic and rationality but it should never contradict logic and rationality. However, if Prana Pratishtha provides emotional and psychological satisfaction to some people, by all means, we should support it wholeheartedly.

    January 23, 2024

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