HomeAmericasBusinessSam Altman Asks US To Reform High Skill Immigration

Sam Altman Asks US To Reform High Skill Immigration

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Sam Altman Asks US To Reform High Skill Immigration

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (IANS) – Microsoft-backed OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on July 3 asked the US to reform high-skill immigration so that they can come and join innovation at scale.

Altman, who visited India last month and encouraged the AI startup ecosystem, said that this policy change will be a “hard-won gift” for the country.

“One of the easiest policy wins I can imagine for the US is to reform high-skill immigration,” said Altman.

“The fact that many of the most talented people in the world want to be here is a hard-won gift; embracing them is the key to keeping it that way. Hard to get this back if we lose it,” he emphasized in a Twitter post.

Several users, including Indian entrepreneurs, reacted to his post.

“Immigrants not only built the first microchips in Silicon Valley, but they built the tech titans they are known as today. After all, more than 50 of billion-dollar startups are founded by immigrants, and many of those startups were founded by immigrants on H-1B visas,” said Amit Misra, Founder, and CEO of Dazeinfo.

Gagan Sandhu, Co-founder, and CEO of the Xillion app said that Universities, VCs, accelerators, tech companies, and the entire tech ecosystem “can come together and forge a public-private partnership with the federal government to bring real change.”

The State Department announced that a small number of Indians and other foreign workers on H-1B visas will now be able to renew those visas in the US, without having to travel abroad.

Every year, the US government issues 65,000 H-1B visas to corporations and Indians garner a major chunk of H-1B visa approvals every year.

Prafull Billore, a venture investor, wrote to Altman that for Indians who go to the US and excel at their jobs, “it is of utmost importance that the US continues to provide cushioning for talented immigrants and a supportive ecosystem”.

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  • I agree. I’m an Indian in my 60s. At some point, you have to put a stop to this import. Now my Indian kids will be jobless be cause of the H1Bs.
    It’s not racial. It’s just jobs being protected for America’s.

    July 5, 2023

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