SFO Bay Area Artist Lakshmi Shankarreddy’s Oil Paintings on Display in East Coast, New Jersey
(photo provided)
SFO Bay area artist and art educator Lakshmi Shankarreddy has her oil paintings of skyscapes on display in an Artists Group Show in New Jersey along with art works of other participating artists. Artists Group Show, which is from mid-July through August, brings together artists from New Jersey to celebrate the intrinsic joy found in the creative process. Her oil paintings are exhilarating examples of spontaneous response to nature.
Lakshmi Shankarreddy has had many art exhibitions of her art works mostly oil paintings over a span of 30 years. Her paintings remind us to stop and see and to think, dream, and embrace art. Her oil paintings offer a glimpse of her passion. She says it’s a joy seeing art displayed.
Through years and years of doing art, Shankarreddy has crystallized her thoughts into a simple way of expressing and developed her own painting method. Her strokes are of loose painterly manner and vibrant colors and not pre-planned. She paints as she thinks and feels and goes with her creative flow of expression. With elegant, whimsical and kinetic brushstrokes, Lakshmi Shankarreddy depicts nature, things and people around her. She says she finds plenty of inspiration in the sights and sounds around her.
A frequent traveler, one of her often-visited places is Iowa where she does plein air painting and paints scenes of Iowa.
Shankarreddy says her earliest memories, experiences and her passion for art coupled with support and encouragement from both her parents and husband that led to a long career of painting and teaching, along with exhibitions both in the United States and India. Her mother, a doctor by profession, also good at sketching, encouraged her and her husband supporting her photographic adventures.
She also teaches at her art studio, Lakshmis Art Workshop, in Union City, SFO Bay area of California.
She teaches to see and paint, imagine and create art through visual language. One can see her youthful enthusiasm and her passion for art.
Shankarreddy has been conducting ‘CREATING ART FOR A GOOD CAUSE’ art show fundraisers for non-profit organizations for which she teaches and guides her students to create art and then displaying their art works. She teaches her students the principle of creating art for a good cause and the joy of sharing and displaying. She will be conducting an online art show fundraiser in October 2021.
She teaches art classes – online and in person, art workshops, summer camps, conducts art shows and art show fundraisers for nonprofit organizations.
Lakshmi Shankarreddy can be contacted at: lakshmisartworkshop@gmail.com.
Her websites are: www.lakshmisartworkshop.com and www.lakshmishankarreddy.com.
For more information: visit https://www.facebook.com/LakshmisArtWorkshop/
https://www.instagram.com/lakshmis.art.workshop/ or call 510-401-4625.