Struggling With A New Rival, Trump Resorts To Name Calling: Harris Is A ‘Left Lunatic’
NEW YORK, NY (IANS) – In his first campaign rally after President Joe Biden quit the 2024 presidential race and Kamala Harris firmed up her position to become the Democratic Party candidate, Republican nominee Donald Trump lit into her laying out his angles of attack with the change in the party ticket.
Mispronouncing her name as “Kamaala”, he launched a fusillade of labels – “ultra-liberal”, “Left-Lunatic”, “Marxist”, and “ultra-left” – to brand her ideologically at a rally in Charlotte in North Carolina, a state he carried in the last two elections on July 24.
His rally was held indoors in a packed stadium with seating on stands of about 10,000 with another 10,000 or so in temporary seats in the playfield, because of security reasons after the sniper attack at his outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
He did not have a bandage on his right ear, which had been injured in the recent assassination attempt.
His speech of 100 minutes was theatre for his fervent supporters relying on his showmanship and complete disrespect for facts. His hyperbole included statements where he claimed he would end the Ukraine war on Day 1.
Harris is narrowing Trump’s lead in polls, though still within the margin of error, requiring him to reorient his campaign. RealClear Politics aggregation shows Trump’s lead at 1.7 percent against Harris.
In a preview of the campaign, he focused on the hot-button issues that he could exploit against Harris like immigration. He asserted that she, as the “immigration czar”, had allowed in 20 million illegal immigrants, many of them “rapists”, “murderers” or insane. (That number is about double the generally accepted number in the 10 million range.)
One of the key issues that Harris is running on is abortion rights, which the Supreme Court made a state matter, overturning a previous ruling that had allowed abortion nationally.
Democrats count on the abortion issue mobilizing women voters to vote against him because the Republican hardliners want to ban abortions.
Trump said that she wanted to permit abortions right to the moment of birth, but going against his party’s absolutists, he did not take a stand on a national abortion policy and said it should be decided by states but added that he wanted it legal in cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother.
He said obliquely that there’s an election to be won – in a signal to party members calling for a total ban that abortions, still a volatile issue in the US, could affect his election and required a flexible approach.
Harris has boasted of her past career as a prosecutor and compared that to Trump’s conviction on 34 charges of criminal fraud over the accounting for payments made to a porn star who alleged she had an affair with him.
“She is the worst prosecutor,” he said, recalling the start of her political career with her election as San Francisco prosecutor, he asserted that the city has become unlivable because of her policies that created the crime epidemic.
She was committing crimes by letting in “bloodthirsty” criminals into the country, he said.
Branded by Democrats and even his party dissidents as a “threat to democracy”, Trump asserted that Harris was the threat because the party had disfranchised the members who had voted in the party elections for Biden by making her the candidate.
Biden who spoke from the White House minutes after Trump had ended his speech, did not mention him by name even once but alluded to him several times.
“Do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice, and democracy?” Biden asked.
And she is!!
Not to burst Indian chops!!
Kamala never identified herself as Indian until her ambitions reached Washington and realized being half Indian multiplied her intellect and personal profile by many times.
The only African American about her is her affair with a BLACK MAYOR.
She is Jamaican -Indian.
July 25, 2024Gideon
Only a lunatic can support this pathological liar criminal who survived his entire life by cheating and lying. The man stands for nothing except manipulation. The truth is a dog will be a better President than him.
July 25, 2024Sharda
You r wrong in your assessment .
July 26, 2024Ram Sanatani
Kamala is more radical left leaning than Bernie Sanders. She is the one who pushed “defund police” sentiments. She is supporting Hamas terrorists. On a very remote chance if she wins, she will make this country a communist nation.
July 25, 2024Sharda
Doesn’t matter where she comes from – She is a good intelligent person – will be a great president – unlike Trump – always interested in name calling n sarcasm – republicans r only good for the rich.u r
July 26, 2024Sharda
You r wrong brother – only looking for negatives. If thinking about don’t have is liberal or leftist / so be it . Keep it civil please.
July 26, 2024Y ARROROA
I ,as many except Anil and Ram Sanatani , strongly agree with your statement Gideon. He is a committed felon and cheater who even formed a sham university and took money for his own use. I think people who support a convict and pathological man think and do the same like SOB. He is irritated and talking all shit as he is afraid of her. Hope she does not take insults from him like Hillary Clinton.
July 25, 2024He has no respect for any one except his ego.
Agreed. He only loves himself
July 26, 2024Daljit (Dean)Singh
The pot is calling the kettle black. This fellow has no shame. He has cheated all his life and cannot distinguish between an honest living and robbing others for his ostentatious living standards. His language comprehension is limited to that of a third-grader, who cannot read or speak any language for more than one thousand words. A language consisting of complex sentences is beyond his comprehension. He is a master of gutter politics and insults. He is an anathema and is cursed by God.
July 25, 2024Brijesh
The Orange Headed Politician in USA is so ignorant! He does not know what he is saying when he calls the Vice President Harris with what he thinks is a derogatory name – “Ka Maa La”, Her name is Kamala, a word derived from the Hindi word “Kamal” meaning Lotus. Kamal is so often referred to in Hindu scriptures because it grows in dirty, muddy waters but the lotus buds blossam, they rise up above the dirt below and are pure and clean! Kamal in Hindi is masculine, the “A” in the end of Kamal makes it a feminine name.
Now this guy calls her “Ka Maa La” – Kamaal is a Hindi / Urdu word which means Miracle. The “A” added to Kamaal, it becomes a feminine word. It is never used to name a person. The “A” in the end of most names makes them feminine. So Trump is saying “A female miracle” when he calls her Ka Maa La!
July 25, 2024Sharda
Agreed -. Racist white American follow him blindly because they don’t like anyone else , Think they own the cou because they came here first. But all white Americans r not like this either.
July 26, 2024