There is World Cigar Smoking Contest Happening in Delhi
NEW DELHI, (IANS) – The Cigar Smoking World Championship arose from a passion for cigars combined with wanting to share that passion with people from all over the world.
Raahuul Kapoor, Co-founder of The India Cigar Club, Philipp Kugler, Chairman of the Cigar Kings Group, and Parth Vyas, CEO of Cigar Kings India Pvt. Ltd bonded over the love of cigars.
The trio is excited to launch this event for Indian cigar connoisseurs who appreciate cigar culture and share the passion and values of the cigar community, with a passion for Cigars and an eagerness to cater to the ever-growing Cigar market in India.
The Cigar Smoking World Championship is an international competition in “slow smoking” cigars, but it is much more than that – it is the ideal tool for inspiring participation in every cigar enthusiast. Participants will compete in how quickly they can smoke their cigar, with time penalties for breaking their ash or burning the cigar band, among other things. The artist whose cigar takes the longest to finish will be declared the winner. The goal of this competition is to grow the cigar smoking community by reuniting old friends and making new ones, all of whom share the same passion for a shared cigar lifestyle.
The final of the competition will be held on July 24 in Delhi.