HomeAmericasPoliticsTrump Team’s New Nickname For Rival: Nikki New Taxes

Trump Team’s New Nickname For Rival: Nikki New Taxes


Trump Team’s New Nickname For Rival: Nikki New Taxes

WASHINGTON, DC (ANI) – Donald Trump’s campaign team unveiled a new moniker for fellow Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley, labeling her “Nikki New Taxes.” ed.

Fox News reported that Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung has been criticizing Haley’s record, accusing her of having a ‘troublesome’ stance on taxes.

In a statement titled ‘KISS OF DEATH: Nikki New Taxes’, Cheung lambasted the former South Carolina governor, alleging a “total disdain for the working class” and a willingness to “sell out to lobbyist parasites.”

“The truth is finally coming out about Nikki Haley’s troublesome record, showing her total disdain for the working class and a willingness to sell out to lobbyist parasites,” the letter read. “She pushed for a WHOPPING 60 per cent increase in the state gas tax in South Carolina after promising voters she would never do so.”

In a recent ABC interview, ‘This Week’, Haley criticized the media’s obsession with Trump, emphasizing that normal people are concerned about affordability, loss of freedoms, and the size of the government.

“ Normal people care about the fact that they can’t afford things. They feel like their freedoms are being taken away. They think the government is too big. I know you all want to talk about every single word he says and every single tweet he does,” she said.

While acknowledging disagreements with Trump, Haley noted a “good working relationship” with him.

“Anti-Trumpers want me to hate him, pro-Trumpers want me to love him, but this is where I stand. There are things I agree with the president on…I don’t agree with the fact that, yes, we had a good economy while he was there, but he put us USD 8 trillion in debt that our kids are never going to forgive us for,” she added.

“I don’t agree with how he handles national security,” Haley stated, pointing out gaps in addressing the fentanyl flow and its impact on American lives.

“He focused on trade with China, but he did nothing about the fentanyl flow. He did nothing about the fact that fentanyl has killed so many of our Americans,” Fox News quoted Haley as saying.

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  • This news triggered a few thoughts in my mind. One, Trump has always been good at demeaning his opponents by resorting to negative campaigns, therefore, it’s not surprising that he has come up with a new nickname for Haley; nicknames are his weapons of attacks. Two, the fact that he is going after Haley implies that he thinks of her as a threat. Three, I doubt if Haley will ever be able to recover from the recent blunder she committed when she failed to link slavery to the civil war. Her apology was not taken seriously because most people, including Chris Christie, thought that she was just being deferential to the voters belonging to Trump’s base; she is too smart to be ignorant about the facts of the issue. Four, unless Trump gets into a legal trouble, like the 14th Amendment, he is very likely going to win the Republican primaries and become the nominee for the Republican Party to run in the general elections for the president. It will all depend on how the US Supreme Court rules on the 14th Amendment with respect to insurrection charges against Trump.

    January 2, 2024

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