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Trump Threatens America, Promises Bloodbath If He Is Not Elected

Trump Threatens America, Promises Bloodbath If He Is Not Elected

Trump Threatens America, Promises Bloodbath If He Is Not Elected

India-West News Desk

WASHINGTON, DC – Donald Trump said on March 16 if he does not win the 2024 presidential election it will mean the end of American democracy and in the middle of his speech in Ohio, he veered to his favorite topic – himself – even though he had begun talking about foreign competition for the auto industry.  His threat was dire and sounded like any third-rate dictator: “If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole country.”

His language too, Reuters and several other media outlets reported, was vulgar as the Trump, the Republican nominee for president continued to repeat his baseless nonsense to his audience in Dayton, that his 2020 election defeat to President Joe Biden was because of election fraud.

“If we don’t win this election, I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country,” Trump said. He is under criminal indictment in Georgia for trying to overturn the result of the 2020 election there,

In his speech he called those who are in jail for rioting at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, “patriots,” many of whose families have gone on record to state their disappointment that Trump has not supported them financially or reached out to them.

When asked for a response to Trump’s “bloodbath” comment by reporters, Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer said, “This is who Donald Trump is: a loser who gets beat by over 7 million votes and then instead of appealing to a wider mainstream audience doubles down on his threats of political violence. He wants another January 6, but the American people are going to give him another electoral defeat this November because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge.”

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  • This is a story about this very disturbed madman, Trump, who can be classified as a cult leader, a similar personality as of Rev. Jim Jones who led a “revolutionary suicide” along with his followers in Guyana in 1987.

    Nikki Haley should stay clear of his path to keep her sanity and the road to her destination in 2028. She must not endorse him regardless of his promises which will never be kept.

    March 18, 2024
  • How crazy it sounds when a Presidential candidate Trump threatens a bloodbath if not elected.

    March 18, 2024

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