HomeAmericasPoliticsTulsi Gabbard Inks Content Deal With X To ‘Defend Free Speech’

Tulsi Gabbard Inks Content Deal With X To ‘Defend Free Speech’

Tulsi Gabbard Inks Content Deal With X To 'Defend Free Speech'

Tulsi Gabbard Inks Content Deal With X To ‘Defend Free Speech’

NEW YORK, NY (IANS) – Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu member of the US Congress and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, announced she has inked a deal with Elon Musk to host a show on X to “defend free speech”.

The social media company is bringing three new shows, featuring Gabbard, former CNN anchor Don Lemon, and sports radio host and former ESPN star Jim Rome.

The former Hawaii Representative said she will be sharing stories of those whose “voices have been silenced”, and people in power don’t want them to be heard.

“Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in America. Sadly we live in a time where debate, dialogue, and dissent can be cause for cancellation and censorship by those in power. To defend free speech, we must use it,” Gabbard wrote in a post shared on X.

The 42-year-old said that her new partnership with X will ensure that free speech is not only protected but also celebrated.

“We will be bringing you stories & news about the truth of what’s happening in our country and world but that those in power don’t what you hear, and a series of short films that share the stories of those most impacted, but whose voices are silenced,” she said.

On October 11, 2022, Gabbard announced on Twitter that she was leaving the Democratic Party, denouncing it as an “elitist cabal of warmongers”. She accused the party’s leadership of “cowardly wokeness, anti-white racism, (being) hostile to people of faith and spirituality, and dragging us closer to nuclear war”.

Following her departure from the party, Gabbard said at a town hall event that she is “pretty confident” that both President Joe Biden and German dictator Adolf Hitler share a “mentality” of good intentions to be authoritarian.

A military veteran, who served in the Iraq war between 2004 and 2005 for the Hawaii Army National Guard before she entered Congress, Gabbard has long been critical of US intervention overseas and has also blamed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Biden’s failed foreign policy.

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  • “Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu member of the US Congress and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, announced she has inked a deal with Elon Musk to host a show on X to “defend free speech”.”

    —Nobody will argue with the “defend free speech” mantra, but if it means defending “hate speech”, a lot of people will abhor the idea. The right to free speech is not absolute anyway. For example, it is illegal to shout “Fire” in a crowded theater. It just takes a little bit of common sense, not a legal background, to figure out what should be allowed as free speech under a given scenario because the context does matter. Gabbard who failed to win the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 seems to be behaving like a sore loser, not unlike Trump who lost to Biden fair and square in 2020. The fact that she is a Hindu has nothing to do with what’s going on in her life.

    “The social media company is bringing three new shows, featuring Gabbard, former CNN anchor Don Lemon, and sports radio host and former ESPN star Jim Rome.”

    —Akin to Gabbard, Lemon too is faking to be a victim. I used to watch him on CNN and enjoyed his show, but I doubt if he was fired to silence him. It’s just possible that his ratings were going down or the new management just wanted to give someone else a chance. I am not a sports fan, therefore, I have no idea how Rome got involved with the project.

    “On October 11, 2022, Gabbard announced on Twitter that she was leaving the Democratic Party, denouncing it as an “elitist cabal of warmongers”. She accused the party’s leadership of “cowardly wokeness, anti-white racism, (being) hostile to people of faith and spirituality, and dragging us closer to nuclear war”.”

    —Gabbard is obviously wrong in accusing the Democratic Party to be “warmongers”, considering that it was the Republican Party president George W. Bush who last used the 9/11 tragedy to initiate the Iraq War, while falsely claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Was the Ukraine War initiated by Biden in February 24, 2022? Was Israel attacked on October 7, 2023 by Biden? If “wokeness” means “the quality of being alert to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination”, according to the dictionary, what is so “cowardly” about it? And what has this got to do with racism, hostility to faith and spirituality, and nuclear wars? “Wokeness” is a word so indiscriminately used by GOP to describe Democrats so frequently that even GOP doesn’t know what the word actually means.

    “Following her departure from the party, Gabbard said at a town hall event that she is “pretty confident” that both President Joe Biden and German dictator Adolf Hitler share a “mentality” of good intentions to be authoritarian.”

    —This statement is ridiculous beyond the pale and makes one wonder if Gabbard is a secret admirer of Trump because what she wrote fits perfectly with Trump’s character and statements. Who can forget Trump saying that immigrants coming to the U.S. are “poisoning the blood of our country,” a remark that quickly drew a rebuke from his chief Democratic rival as President Joe Biden’s campaign likened the words to those of Adolf Hitler?

    January 12, 2024
  • Vivek has taken over Tulsi as a staunch Hindu and not ashamed ot it unlike Ro Khanna and Nikki. She is smart and articulate but her place in politics had limited shelf life. In the intellectual scale Vivek is around 9, Tulsi is around 7, Nikki is around 4 and Rooo khanna around 2.

    January 13, 2024

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