Tune Into This Culinary Podcast
MUMBAI, (IANS) – Magazine St. Kitchen presents “Speak Greasy with Gauri Devidayal,” a groundbreaking culinary podcast hosted by renowned culinary expert and CEO of Food Matters Group, Gauri Devidayal. This audio and video podcast takes listeners on a journey into the heart of gastronomy.
Through inspiring storytelling and savory revelations, “Speak Greasy” offers an intimate look into the lives of national and international chefs and culinary doyens. The show brings to light the untold stories of culinary maestros and up-and-coming young chefs who have graced the state-of-the-art Magazine St. Kitchen. Each episode unveils the experiences of exceptional guests, such as Jay Yousuf, Chef Luke Robinson, and Chef Sarah Todd, as they share anecdotes that have shaped their perspectives on food and cooking.
Gauri Devidayal’s passion for food and culinary expertise shines through as she engages in candid and insightful conversations with the chefs. From their triumphs to the challenges they’ve conquered, “Speak Greasy” uncovers the essence of their culinary artistry.
Listeners will be treated to behind-the-scenes glimpses of Magazine St. Kitchen’s vibrant ambiance and creative processes that unfold within its walls. The podcast launched on all major platforms on August 2.