America’s Migrant Crisis
From Girish Modi, Decatur, GA
People have been migrating since the First People started migrating out of Africa 40,000 years ago and spread all over the world. Hence, the Migrant crisis in Europe & America is not new.
Soon after WWII millions of Europeans had migrated to the United States. Latinos have been steadily migrating to America through Mexico. They account for the largest ethnic group after blacks. Ironically, even though English is the only official language, all businesses have Spanish language option on their telephone system. More than 12 million undocumented (illegal) immigrants were given amnesty by President Reagan. That encouraged more illegal migration and the present border crisis.
Latinos come to America more than any other nationality because they are unofficially welcome. Once they cross the border, they are treated better than poor people because of vague “humanitarian law”. They get free shelter, food, and other amenities for at least three months after crossing the border.
Afterword they are released in society. They don’t get arrested and deported because America’s ridiculous policy that only federal government has power and not the local government. Do you know that Latinos support underground economy, since many work on the farms as cheap labor picking produce and fruits and others work as handymen in construction industry and don’t pay taxes!
The Migrant crisis will never be solved because politicians are afraid that any law they pass will be struck down by the courts. Indians take advantage too. There are more than 500,000 illegal Indians in America, more than any other migrants from non-Latin countries.
People are to be blamed too, because they welcome Latinos and cities provide them with free shelter, food, and accommodations. Their children get free education. It is like living in heaven on earth or realizing American dream of getting rich without paying taxes.
The Migrant crisis will never be solved because politicians are afraid that any law they pass will be struck down by the courts.
(This submission has not been edited.)