HomeAmericasCommunityAnother One: Indian On American Airlines Pees On Passenger

Another One: Indian On American Airlines Pees On Passenger


Another One: Indian On American Airlines Pees On Passenger

NEW YORK, NY (IANS) – An allegedly inebriated Indian passenger, traveling on a New York-Delhi American Airlines flight, reportedly relieved himself on another passenger on board the flight, sources said.

A senior police officer said that legal action has been taken for non-cognizable offenses under the civil aircraft rules.

“We have initiated action after receiving a complaint from the airline staff about the unruly behavior of one passenger. However, there is no collaborative evidence or complaint given by the co-passengers regarding someone peeing on them yet,” the officer said.

According to sources, the accused passenger, who was reportedly under the influence of alcohol, got engaged in an argument with a co-passenger on board American Airlines flight AA 292 and urinated on him.

After the plane landed at the Indira Gandhi International Airport at around 9 p.m. on April 23, the Central Industrial Security Force apprehended the alleged ‘unruly’ passenger.

More details are awaited.

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  • American should sell PEE Insurance and only serve those that buy it so affected passengers are well compensated. The drinkers must also be mandated to wearing a diaper and have a chaperone with them after their 3rd drink.

    April 24, 2023
  • Prior to PM Modi, Indians never had toilets or restrooms in their houses, so they are not
    use to restrooms. In their mentality peeing and defecating in any available spot is comfortable.
    All Airlines of the world should prevent Indians from boarding the aircraft.


    April 24, 2023
    • Instead of preventing, the airline should require wearing diapers.

      April 24, 2023

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