Dr.Deepak Chopra Headlines Gandhi Institute’s Yoga Day Celebrations in HI
India-West Staff Reporter
HONOLULU, HI – The Gandhi International Institute for Peace along with the Still and Moving Center celebrated its fourth annual Yoga Day event here on June 21. The theme of this year’s event was “Being Truly Human-focusing on the power of self-determination and choosing our way. It points to the humane aspect of being human, our “kuleana” (responsibility) to our fellow human beings and the other beings with whom we share the planet.”

Dr. Deepak Chopra, the world’s leading expert on ayurveda and meditation was the keynote speaker. Others speakers were Dr. Raj Kumar, founder of the Gandhi International Institute for Peace, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, Professor Matthew LoPresti, Dr. Peeyush Kumar, Renee Tillotson and Jennifer Reuter. Ms. Willow Chang moderated the program. The yoga asanas were demonstrated by instructors from the Still and Moving Center, a press release said.
GIIP received Proclamations from Honolulu Mayor, Rick Blangiardi, the Governor of Hawaii David Y. Ige and certificates from the Senate and House for the Internaitonal Yoga Day event.
GIIP has been founded for and has been promoting nonviolence and peace, raising awareness about healthy living, and educating youth in Hawaii.