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Fashion With A Purpose!

Fashion With A Purpose!

Eco-friendly fashion implies making sustainable choices in a world driven by fast-paced trends and disposable clothing. But then the term “sustainable fashion” itself is an oxymoron.

As defined in Cambridge Dictionary, ‘fashion’ means a style that is popular at a particular time, and on the other hand, ‘sustainable’ means able to continue over a period. Despite this contradiction, the notion of being fashionable while embracing sustainability is not only possible but also increasingly essential in our modern society.

Impact on Environment

The fashion industry has long been associated with a significant ecological footprint. It’s a leading contributor to pollution, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. Following are some of the industry’s most pressing issues:

Fast Fashion

The rise of fast fashion has led to an accelerated production cycle, where clothing is designed, produced, and discarded rapidly. This contributes to massive amounts of textile waste.

Resource Intensive

Traditional textile production relies heavily on water, energy, and chemicals. Huge amounts of electricity and heat are required for cloth and garments manufacturing. Most of the factories operate in areas that are largely dependent on coal for producing energy, causing huge gas emissions.


Dyeing and finishing textiles release harmful chemicals into waterways, polluting ecosystems and endangering human health.


The fashion industry generates vast amounts of waste, from unsold inventory to discarded clothing, much of which ends up in landfills.

Given these environmental challenges, the fashion industry is under increasing pressure to become eco-friendly and embrace sustainability.

Choose Sustainable Fabrics

Opt for clothing made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, Tencel, or recycled fibers. These fabrics are produced with less environmental impact compared to conventional ones.

Buy Second-Hand

Thrifting and shopping at vintage stores not only reduce waste but also gives clothing a second life. You can find unique, pre-loved items that contribute to a more sustainable fashion cycle.

Support Sustainable Brands

There is an increasing trend of brands that prioritize sustainability. One should opt for them and support. Look for certifications like Fair Trade, GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), or B Corp to ensure ethical and eco-friendly practices.

Quality Over Quantity

Invest in high-quality, timeless pieces that will last longer instead of fast fashion trends. Quality clothing often withstands wear and tear better, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Repair and Upcycle

Instead of discarding damaged clothing, learn basic sewing skills to repair or upcycle them into something new. “This can prolong the life of your garments and reduce waste,” said Dr Mukesh Kwatra, founder of Smiling Tree.

Minimize Washing

Overwashing clothes can wear them out faster and consume more water and energy. Only wash your clothes when necessary and opt for cold water to save energy.

Energy-Efficient Laundry

When you do wash your clothes, use energy-efficient appliances and eco-friendly detergents. Line drying your laundry or using a drying rack can also save energy.

Capsule Wardrobe

Create a capsule wardrobe with a limited number of versatile pieces that mix and match well. This reduces the need for excess clothing and streamlines your style choices.

Support Local Designers

Support local fashion designers and artisans who often produce on a smaller scale and may use eco-friendly materials and practices.

Rent or Borrow for Special Occasions

Instead of buying formal or occasional wear that you’ll rarely use, consider renting or borrowing these items. This reduces the demand for single-use garments.

Eco-Friendly Accessories

Choose sustainable accessories made from recycled or eco-friendly materials, such as cork, reclaimed wood, or upcycled metals.

Educate Yourself

Stay informed about sustainable fashion trends and practices. Attend workshops, read books and articles, and follow influencers and brands that promote eco-friendly fashion.

Being fashionable and sustainable is about making mindful choices that align with your personal style while considering the environmental and ethical impact of your clothing.

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