Hollywood Gurdwara Designated As Historic-Cultural Monument
India-West News Desk
LOS ANGELES, CA — The Los Angeles City Council in a unanimous decision on August 9 voted to grant the Hollywood Sikh Temple the status of a Historic-Cultural Monument.
The Hollywood Sikh Temple, also known as the Vermont Gurdwara, made history upon its opening in 1969 as the first Sikh gurdwara to emerge in the United States following India’s independence from British rule. That momentous year coincided with the 500th anniversary of Guru Nanak’s birth, the founder of Sikhism.
The temple’s present building was completed in 1996 and has since become a haven for the Sikh community and a beacon of community service and cultural understanding. The building was donated by Dr. Amarjit Marwah, the head of the temple at that time.