HomeFrom our readersIndia Losing Secular Values

India Losing Secular Values

India Losing Secular Values

India Losing Secular Values

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA

India appears to be fast losing its traditional secular values as a democratic state enshrined in its Constitution under Prime Minister Modi. The transformation of Ayodhya., following the demolition of a historic mosque and the subsequent construction of a Ram temple, symbolizes a broader shift towards Hindu nationalism.
The inauguration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya during the COVID-19 pandemic was not just a religious act but also a political statement by Mr. Modi, reinforcing his commitment to Hindu chauvinism.
The impact of these changes is palpable in the everyday life of Ayodhya, where signs of a hypermasculine Hindu identity are evident, from the aggressive depictions of deities to the suspicion and exclusion of non-Hindus. Moreover, the celebration of the temple’s inauguration overshadowing important national commemorations suggests a reordering of national priorities that favors a singular religious identity.
This approach has broader implications for India’s democracy and its social fabric. The push towards a Hindu state not only marginalizes minority communities but also diverts attention from pressing national issues like economic inequality, joblessness, public health, and climate change. The enforcement of a narrow nationalist agenda risks alienating vast sections of the population and undermining India’s rich, diverse heritage.
As a concerned observer, I fear that the pursuit of a monolithic Hindu identity will only exacerbate divisions and hinder India’s potential as a pluralistic and progressive nation. It is crucial that we reassess this path and strive to uphold the inclusive values that have historically defined India.(This submission is not edited.)

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