HomeFrom our readersIsrael Reduces US To A Whimpering Paper Tiger

Israel Reduces US To A Whimpering Paper Tiger

Israel Reduces US To A Whimpering Paper Tiger

From Jagjit Singh Los Altos, CA

I write to draw readers’ attention to an enlightening op-ed titled “With Israel, It’s Time to Start Discussing the Unmentionable,” penned by Kristoff, which recently featured in The New York Times. The article courageously confronts the relationship between the United States and Israel, bringing to light aspects that have often been shielded from public discourse.

Ever since its founding, the United States has coddled and propped up Israel with tens of $billions in economic and military and is now richer per capita than Japan and some European countries.

But coddling Israel has unintended consequences. We have unwittingly ushered in a far-right government that has given the green light to settler terrorists to drive out Palestinians to build more and ¬more illegal settlements. This has been a gross abuse of U.S. tax-payer funds spanning multiple U.S. administrations.

The military aid we donate to Israel is usually routed to U.S.  Defense Contractors to complete a tight loop. Little wonder that tens of thousands of Israelis are protesting to voice their opposition to gutting the power of the judiciary. It’s a pity the outrage is not directed at the apartheid policies of the Israeli government.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says Israel could be entering a civil war.

The coup de grace? Biden phones Israeli Prime Mister Netanyahu and invites him to a warm welcome to the White House, a man who is facing serious charges of corruption.  “Oh, America when will you ever learn?”

(This submission is not edited)

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