HomeAmericasCommunityMicrosoft Employee’s Wife Soujanya Ramamurthy Found Dead In WA Lake

Microsoft Employee’s Wife Soujanya Ramamurthy Found Dead In WA Lake


Microsoft Employee’s Wife Soujanya Ramamurthy Found Dead In WA Lake

REDMOND, WA (IANS) – The wife of an Indian Microsoft employee, who went missing in the US, has been found dead under mysterious circumstances near a lake here.

Soujanya Ramamurthy, 30, who lived in Redmond with her husband, a software developer at Microsoft, went missing on February 25.

Her body was found the next day in Lake Sammamish after a massive search by the police.

She was last seen near the Park Marymoor Bell Apartments in Redmond, some eight miles from Seattle.

Police are yet to ascertain how the tragedy transpired, and so far, there have been no arrests.

However, multiple media reports stated that Soujanya was hit multiple times on the head with an object like a hammer.

According to the police, Soujanya was 5 feet 4 inches tall, 94 pounds, had dark eyes, and black hair, and was clothed in burgundy outerwear when she went missing.

She moved to the US after graduating from India.

Her husband, Mudambi S. Srivatsa, said she had big dreams, and wanted to give her family the best things possible.

A search campaign was launched since the day she went missing and her missing posters were circulated across social media groups in the Indian community in the US, the report said.

A fundraiser has been set up to manage the cost of services to transport her body to Mysuru for her last rites.

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  • The Microsoft Employee and a software developer raising fund, does not make sense.

    March 1, 2023
    • So what makes sense, according to you?

      March 1, 2023
      • I would have thought Microsoft pays good enough to cover a family members funeral expenses based on when I used to work there. Do all Microsoft employees now setup gofundme when there is a death in the family? Seems unlikely. That’s why it doesn’t make sense. Understood?

        March 6, 2023
  • I am the Public Information Officer for Redmond Police Department where Soujanya resided. There is no indication of foul play in this investigation.

    March 1, 2023
    • She was hit in the head multiple times with a hammer. Isn’t that foul play enough to suggest she was murdered?

      March 2, 2023
      • The missing woman was found deceased in Lake Sammamish. Another agency conducted the investigation, so they would have the official report. I can only speak to the information we received which is no foul play was suspected. Thank you. Jill Green, PIO for Redmond Police Department

        March 3, 2023
  • This is misinformation. There is no foul play suspected. Thank you. Jill Green, PIO for Redmond Police Department.

    March 3, 2023
  • The missing woman was found deceased in Lake Sammamish. Another agency conducted the investigation, so they would have the official report. I can only speak to the information we received which is no foul play was suspected. Thank you. Jill Green, PIO for Redmond Police Department

    March 3, 2023
  • So she wasn’t hit on the head several times? If she was then foul play shouldn’t be ruled out. If she wasn’t hit on the head several times then it may be that she committed suicide on her own will. Either way I feel sorry for the family and her.

    March 6, 2023
  • I don’t believe the Redmond Police department when it comes to crimes against Indian women. They bungled up the investigation of Aparna Jinaga’s rape and murder. They falsely accused the only black guy that was there in the apartment complex while her highly suspect white neighbor wasn’t charged at all. The poor black guy spend 10 years in fail waiting for his day in court before the jury found him not guilty.

    March 6, 2023
  • Having watched way to many episodes of forensic files, the Indian husband undoubtedly killed her in an impetuous fit of rage. Culturally, and oftentimes due to Indians’ patriarchal/quasi religious values and belief systems, it isn’t unprecedented that homicidal domestic violence is the culprit.

    In this case, it’s probable that her husband has something to do with her death. Moreover, to cover up any suspicions pointing to the husband’s guilt, it’s also probable that the Redmond police are letting the public think that her death was an accidental drowning ect. In order to further investigate suspicious actions by her husband (whether monetarily or any discrepancies in speech or behavior).

    This way, they will be able to gather enough evidence from discrepancies to convict the Indian husband of her disappearance and death.

    Additionally, the probability of suicide is highly unlikely as the statistics don’t aline with how her body was found and her gender/ socioeconomic status. Furthermore, the chances of a serial killer on the loose is also unlikely, although, it is the most probably the only other chance other than suicide and domestic violence, for It’s an anomaly to have a person like that be in some fatal argument with this being in Redmond.

    Would definitely not be surprised if her husband has something to do with her death.

    March 22, 2023
  • @Jilll Green – What was the other agency, please and why did the RPD not have jurisdiction in this case? How would one find out if there is an investigation, criminal or otherwise underway?

    March 29, 2023
  • This seems fake as it has not been in any US news.

    April 1, 2023

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