HomeAmericasPoliticsNewsweek Poll: Trump Supporters Want DeSantis As Veep, Haley Is Close

Newsweek Poll: Trump Supporters Want DeSantis As Veep, Haley Is Close


Newsweek Poll: Trump Supporters Want DeSantis As Veep, Haley Is Close

India-West News Desk

WASHINGTON, DC – In a recent poll conducted for Newsweek, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has emerged as the top choice among Donald Trump supporters as a running mate.

The survey, Newsweek said, reveals that 25 percent of respondents expressing intent to vote for Trump in 2024 prefer DeSantis as the vice-presidential candidate.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley sees a notable surge in support, with 19 percent of Trump supporters favoring her as the running mate. This marks a significant increase from 5 percent in a September poll. The rising preference for Haley aligns with her growing momentum in the 2024 GOP primary race, positioning her as a potential rival to Trump.

DeSantis being chosen as the running mate remains uncertain due to ongoing tensions and animosity between him and Trump.

Vivek Ramaswamy, another Republican presidential hopeful, secures the third spot among Trump supporters with 16 percent, maintaining the same level of support as in the previous survey. Arizona Senate hopeful Kari Lake follows in fourth place with 8 percent.

Danielle Vinson, a professor of politics and international affairs at Furman University, told Newsweek that Haley might not find the role fitting, considering the lack of loyalty and support she would receive.

While Trump has not hinted at his preferred running mate, suggestions include a female candidate to appeal to women voters or a person of color to broaden the Republican ticket’s appeal. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kristi Noem, both mentioned as potential female picks, received minimal support in the survey, with 1 percent and 3 percent, respectively.

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  • Chris Christie identified Nikki Haley as being a smart and accomplished politician. Even contemplating a Trump-Haley ticket would be like her spitting into a tornado. Only God knows where the spit will land. However, it will likely find its way back into her face.

    December 14, 2023
  • The Republican contestants have to take oath ,that they will support whoever is the nominee. But if Trump gets nominated which is 100% certain,Trump is not obligated to support either DeSantis or Haley. In fact he will not touch either of them with a 10 ft barge pole, because his criteria for selecting a vice president candidate, cabinet members and his staff is only two things: one is loyalty and the other is how they can rewrite the existing laws. Neither this sentence or Haley have been loyal to him in fact they have backstabbed him so they will never have a chance where as Ramaswamy maybe he will make a Treasury Secretatry or Secretary of State. He’s a great candidate to be a vice president but he can accomplish more as a treasury secretary with his acumen and brilliance but Trump will not take him as a vice president candidate. He will probably take Carrie Lake as his vice president candidate but Republican voters will support anyone that he chooses as a vice president candidate including Vivek. He has to tone down the rhetoric about abolishing FBI and all that BS. If you can save 90 billion dollars by abolishing Department of Education go for it but anything else is just too radical and rhetoric is not going to help him. Period.

    December 14, 2023
  • There is a popular saying, “if you lie with dogs, you will catch the fleece.” No sane person would choose to be a part of the ticket as a candidate for vice president with Trump knowing well that the history would condemn them as opportunists of the worst kind. Trump is facing more than 90 cases of public fraud and other criminal indictments. It would be slow and tortuous judgements in the pipeline until the election time. Most reasonable politicians with any self-respect would say “thanks but no thanks” to any and all offers to be a part of the team with MAGA slogans. Nikky Haley knows it. There is no second guessing about it.

    December 16, 2023
  • “It’s Border Stupid” people assume that all ilkegal immigration is Mexican it is absolutely false the illegal immigration is coming from North and South in the North from China 125.000 from Russia 69,000 and Ukraine 139.000 and South of the Border from the following countries Brazil Colombia Venezuela Nicaragua Haiti Cuba and Honduras 1.86 million from Mexico 577, 000 from Guatemala and 320,000 from El Salvador. No matter how the economy is doing or the stock market is doing the bottom line is people are fed up with the legal immigration and their only few people who can address this Trump and Rama Swami. Dictated but not edited

    December 17, 2023
  • Regarding Trump’s VP choice, the following can be gleaned from an article from thehill.com, “Trump’s VP: Ranking the candidates from most likely to least” BY BRETT SAMUELS – 12/02/23 4:01 PM ET

    “Trump himself has offered fleeting insights into his view on a potential running mate. He told NBC’s Kristen Welker in a September interview that he liked the concept of picking a woman, “but we’re going to pick the best person.”

    Here’s a look at some of the politicians seen as possible Trump running mates, ranked from most likely to less likely.”

    South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem

    Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)

    Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

    Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.)

    Nikki Haley

    Mike Pompeo

    Vivek Ramaswamy

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)


    In my opinion, Trump will pick as a running mate a white, attractive woman who has been loyal to him in the past, and knows how to handle the media, especially, TV. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem meets all the requirements and ranks highest in the list, therefore, I won’t be surprised if she gets picked up as his running mate. Time will tell. He needs a female running mate because he wants to attract more female votes this time. Considering his bias against nonwhites, it is highly unlikely that he will pick a nonwhite as a running mate, therefore, Haley, Ramaswami, Scott, and Donalds are out of the picture.

    December 18, 2023

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