HomeAmericasPoliticsNikki Haley Wants Secret Service Protection

Nikki Haley Wants Secret Service Protection

Nikki Haley Wants Secret Service Protection

Nikki Haley Wants Secret Service Protection

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who has raised a massive $16.5 million in January alone, has formally requested Secret Service protection citing “multiple issues,” the BBC reported.

Haley, who has been urged by Trump and his backers to exit the race and unify the party against Democrat Joe Biden, currently uses personal security while campaigning.

The former South Carolina Governor and United Nations ambassador discussed the request for protection in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on February 6.

“We’ve had multiple issues. It’s not going to stop me from doing what I need to do,” she said after a campaign event in Aiken, South Carolina. “When you do something like this, you get threats. It’s just reality. That’s not going to deter me. Does it mean we have to put a few more bodies around this? Yes, that’s fine,” she told the paper.

In addition, protesters have shown up at her campaign events to slam her support for Israel and Ukraine.

“At the end of the day, we’re going to go out there and touch every hand, we’re going to answer every question, we’re going to make sure that we are there and doing everything that we need to,” she said.

The White House hopeful has been a target of “swatting” attempts with the recent one on New Year’s Day when a hoax call was made to law enforcement agencies, saying Haley’s daughter had been shot and was lying in a pool of blood.

Days before, her Kiawah Island home was also swatted when a man called the police and claimed to have shot a woman.

While Haley was not at home, her parents were there along with a caregiver. Calling it an “awful situation,” she had said: “It put the law enforcement officers in danger, it put my family in danger… That’s what happens when you run for president.”

Secret Service protection is granted to “major” candidates under federal law, usually when they look certain to become their party’s nominee, the BBC said.

A call to provide Haley with Secret Service support would be taken by the US Secretary of Homeland Security, who would first confer with a Joint Congressional Committee.

As former President, Trump gets Secret Service protection for life.

The next major primary is scheduled to be held in her home state of South Carolina later this month.

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  • Trump has mentioned Tim Scott, as a possible VP candidate I think he’s doing it because only 10% of blacks voted Republican and that hasn’t changed for the last few decades and so he’s trying to attract the black votes by bringing up his name but he will not have him as a VP since he has absolutely no chance of succession or winning as a president four years from now and other candidate is Christy Noem, from South Dakota and she’s a loyal person to Trump but she does not have the charisma or drawing power as a president but as a vice president Yes. As far as Ramaswamy he’s even considered for chairmanship of the Republican party since the current chairman will only serve her term and the Republicans are very unhappy with her since the Republican National committee is 8 million short they need someone like Ramaswamy to drum up donation and support for the RNC.

    February 6, 2024
  • Primary election results in Nevada on Feb 5th ,voters selected “None of the Above” !! instead of Haley. Z

    February 7, 2024

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