Outgoing IAYT President Matra Majmundar Honored For Her Service
India-West Staff Reporter
PALO ALTO, CA – The International Association of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) has honored Matra Majmundar by creating a donor page on its website to further her, and her family’s, legacy of giving and volunteerism.
IAYT said funds will go as scholarships for students to attend conferences and six budding researchers to present at a research conference, including from India; the Seva award for three well-defined and well-planned service projects for the underserved population; Developing an international board exam to increase credibility and ensure public safety, Diversity equity and inclusion infrastructure and training program including boundary violation, sexual orientation, and sexual misconduct.
Majmundar, a Rehab Therapist, Yoga Therapist, and Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, worked tirelessly as part of a core team to build Yoga Therapy as a profession and was on IAYT’s board of directors – including as a President for two terms ending in 2022. She supported the organization’s mission in countless ways including, bringing significant experience in nonprofit board volunteerism, the release said.
Believing wellness is an integral part of a community, she developed community wellness and individual lifestyle-based research projects including integrating yoga therapy in research, clinical settings, and community wellness. In addition, her areas of expertise include heart, lung, psych., and women’s health including lifestyle-related disorders.
Incoming president, Molly McManus complimented Majumdar as a devoted and generous leader. IAYT has also felt her generosity through fundraising, financial contributions, and careful attention to the need for sustained donations.
IAYT has 5,000 individual members in 52 countries, 166 member schools, 70 schools with accredited training programs, an annual general clinical, and the only Yoga Research conference worldwide. It publishes an annual Yoga research and three quarterly ‘Yoga Therapy Today’ hands-on journals.