HomeAmericasPoliticsRamaswamy Wants Haley Disqualified From Running, She Questions His Credentials

Ramaswamy Wants Haley Disqualified From Running, She Questions His Credentials

Ramaswamy Wants Haley Disqualified From Running, She Questions His Credentials

Ramaswamy Wants Haley Disqualified From Running, She Questions His Credentials

Photo: Archive: Ambassador Nikki Haley and U.S. Mission to the UN

India-West News Desk

WASHINGTON, DC – Vivek Ramaswamy has strongly expressed his belief that Nikki Haley, his rival for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, should be disqualified from running for the presidency. This fiery statement came in the wake of a heated exchange between the two candidates, with Haley comparing Ramaswamy’s comments on the Israel-Hamas conflict to those of the far-left “Squad” in Congress.

Their ongoing verbal clashes have been a prominent feature of their campaign trail, featuring prominently in the first two Republican presidential nomination debates, Fox News reported. Despite this, Haley has experienced a boost in her poll numbers, both in early state surveys and nationally, recently doubling her support in a Fox News national poll released just this week.

Ramaswamy, speaking to reporters before addressing the New Hampshire GOP’s First-in-the-Nation Leadership Summit, accused Haley of having “personal conflicts of interest,” seemingly alluding to her husband’s connections to the defense industry, Fox said. He asserted that Nikki Haley’s foreign policy experience was reflected in her substantial financial gains, amounting to $8 million, labeling it distasteful, particularly in a political climate where the White House has been accused of monetizing connections and foreign policy. Ramaswamy expressed his apprehension about a president who might lead the nation into World War III.

Notably, the Haley campaign did not offer a response to Ramaswamy’s latest critique. However, during her visit to the Statehouse in Concord to register her name on New Hampshire’s GOP presidential primary ballot, she made her views clear. Haley remarked that “Ramaswamy sounds like the Squad” and stated that there was no place for either the Squad or Ramaswamy in discussions concerning international conflicts, Fox said.

Haley is not the only 2024 GOP White House candidate critical of Ramaswamy. Former Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina have also taken issue with his recent comments, which questioned the motivations of certain Republicans advocating for a robust Israeli response following a surprise attack by Hamas on Israel. This attack, the deadliest on the Jewish state in decades, has significantly influenced the 2024 presidential race and highlighted the growing divide within the GOP between the “America First” anti-interventionist faction and the more traditional conservative wing that has long supported the United States’ global policing role, Fox noted. 

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  • The bottom line is that Trump still has a commanding lead over all his opponents, therefore, the clash between Haley and Ramaswami amounts to nothing more than “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic”. It also seems that Ramaswami is getting envious of Haley because Haley has been beating him in all the recent polls. In the New Hampshire poll, Haley is even Beating DeSantis, who is number two in national polls and Iowa polls, and Ramaswami is not even among the top four contestants. These conclusions were arrived at from the RCP Poll Averages of today as reported in realclearpolitics.com. See below.

    Trump 58.3
    DeSantis 12.9
    Haley 7.6
    Ramaswami 6.2

    Trump 50.3
    DeSantis 17.3
    Haley 9.5
    Ramaswami 6.0

    Trump 45.0
    Haley 14.2
    DeSantis 10.4
    Christie 9.0

    I am personally not too impressed by Ramaswami, “The Skinny Trump”, as smart and articulate as he is because he seems to lack authenticity, integrity, and originality and seems to behave like a typical politician who is more interested in serving his own interests than those of the society at large.

    October 16, 2023
  • Agree with Vivek, She is more disqualified than qualified. The fact of the matter is, no one invites her to any talk show on YouTube. The only time you see her is on a debate floor making a fool of her low IQ. She has Zero chance of either President, Vice President not even a cabinet position under Trump. Trump will not touch her with a 10-ft barge Pole.

    October 16, 2023
  • Currently Trump holds a 62% unprecedented support from the Republican voters and second is Ron DeSantis and third is Ramaswamy at 12%. The rest are in single digits. The Republican Mega donors are not giving any money to anyone other than Trump, since they have no chance of winning the nomination. So the only candidate that has any potential other than Trump, is Ramaswamy, as the VP candidate and the DeSantis has zero chance with Trump since he is despised by Trump. Also Ramaswamy is independently wealthy and he’s not dependent upon or a stooge pigeon or puppet of Pro Pack or donors. Also he has support of voters, who have never voted Republican before. especially 20 and 30 something voters. This selection will be completely different from previous elections because people have realized that they have come to a crossroad of destitution and disenchantment and they have realized personality versus partisan is what will get the country ahead. Only Trump and Rama Swami are cognizant of the problems ailing the Republic and have the solution. Rest of them are Sane Old Sh….. t.

    October 18, 2023
  • Bidenomics is not working. Voters are disillusioned and helpless. The inflation is hurting the pocketbook. 60% of voters are living paycheck to paycheck and Trump is leading in every state where Biden led before. Real estate is crashing. People don’t care foreign policy but the only thing that matters is economy. They will not vote for Biden since they have lost faith him to turn around the economy.

    October 19, 2023

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