HomeAmericasPoliticsReps Bera, Jayapal, Khanna, Krishnamoorthi, Thanedar Celebrate Indian American Representation

Reps Bera, Jayapal, Khanna, Krishnamoorthi, Thanedar Celebrate Indian American Representation

Reps Bera, Jayapal, Khanna, Krishnamoorthi, Thanedar Celebrate Indian American Representation

India-West Staff Reporter

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representatives Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-06), Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Ro Khanna (CA-17), Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-08) and Shri Thanedar (MI-13) on January 11 celebrated the largest representation of Indian American members of Congress in U.S. history.

 “When I first took office in 2013, I was the only Indian American member of Congress and the third ever in history,” said Bera. “Since that day, I have been committed to ensuring we grow our representation in Congress. In the past decade, I am proud to be joined by incredible Indian American colleagues from around the country – Representatives Jayapal, Khanna, and Krishnamoorthi. With the swearing-in of the 118th Congress, our coalition has grown to a record number with the election of Representative Thanedar. It’s important that we reflect on the historic progress our country is making. I look forward to welcoming even more Indian American Members of Congress in the future,” Bera said.

“As we enter the most diverse Congress ever, I am reminded how much representation matters, for every community and culture across our country. I am a proud naturalized citizen, the first South Asian American woman elected to the House, and an immigrant woman of color. Serving in Congress is a distinct honor, not only because I am able to deliver for my constituents, but because I am able to show other South Asians that if I can make it into the halls of Congress, so can they,” said Jayapal. “I am so grateful to serve with such an inspiring cohort of fellow Indian Americans and I look forward to seeing our numbers continue to grow!”

“As the Indian American community remains one of our nation’s fastest growing, with a population of more than four million, I am excited to see our representation expanding in Congress as well,” said Krishnamoorthi. “I look forward to working with Reps. Bera, Jayapal, Khanna, and now Thanedar to continue to address the key issues facing our community, including high-skilled immigration reform and strengthening the partnership between the U.S. and India.”

“I’m so proud to serve in this diverse Congress alongside a record number of Indian Americans. Representation is crucial to serving Indian American communities and working to strengthen America’s defense and strategic partnership with India. I look forward to continuing our work together in the 118th Congress,” said Khanna.

“As a new member of Congress and the latest addition to an incredible group of Indian American lawmakers, I look forward to getting to work for the American people” said Thanedar. “The American dream is alive when an immigrant from India can come to this country, earn a degree, become a citizen, start a business, and be elected by the people ….”

The first Asian American and Indian American Member of Congress was Dalip Singh Saund, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1957 to 1963. In the 66 years between Representative Saund’s election and the 2012 election of Bera, Piyush “Bobby” Jindal was the only other member of Indian American descent elected to the legislative branch of the federal government.

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  • We need Hindus representing Bharat. The majority of them are leftists and one of them is part of the Pakistan Caucus. We need Hindus proud of Bharat representing not traitors.

    January 12, 2023
    • Do not compromise your 100,000 years of advance cultural heritage. stand up to ultra leftist or rightists.

      January 12, 2023
      • 100,000 years?

        January 12, 2023
  • Teach true history of Great land Bharat to all the legislatures. This country is run by Missionaries and they are spreading lies about BHARAT for self interest.
    Are you aware that India has been invaded by GOD’s foot soldiers for the last 30 years More than 60 organizations in USA are training and sending the foot soldiers to India.
    What is Mission India?
    What World Vision and Care are doing in India??

    January 12, 2023
  • Some of them hire their relatives, friends to federal positions, nice cushy jobs, typical of any Indian crooked politicians and then start preaching ethics to others.

    January 12, 2023
  • I am happy to see five Indian-American representatives serving the USA and our community. However, they, especially Jaipal, are more liberal than our community in general. She voted against Indian interests regarding Kashmir and makes statements that are not objective. For domestic issues such as taxes, border control, law, and order, climate change, racism, etc she is too radical. We need to support some Indian-American moderates for the congress and senate. On the other hand, supporting Trump because he is Modi’s friend makes no sense. Remember he believes in America first and only. Those of us who vote are Americans first, and Indians next, so please look at their politics in the USA first, and then support of Indian interests.

    January 12, 2023
  • I am very proud of Representatives Bera, Krishnamurthy, Khanna, Jayapal and Thanendar. They will serve our nation’s interests well.

    January 12, 2023
  • All are STUPID Democrats who represent India and not Indian-Americans.
    Every one of them should be DEPORTED back to India. Corrupt Indians who bring CORRUPTION from India.
    They should change the US law to make only those born in US to be eligible for elections.
    Otherwise they should stand ONLY in Indian elections by getting deported!!!!

    Omar should also be deported back to Africa. She was a NOBODY and still is a NOBODY. She wont even get a janitors job in AFRICA.

    January 12, 2023
  • It is a matter of great shame that how these Indian Americans could have anti-Indian tendencies – in Pakistani Caucus., really? It reminds me of the historical figure Jaichand.

    January 12, 2023
  • Election of our own is a matter of pride and cause for celebration! I’m happy that we have five in the Congress. Congratulations Reps!

    January 13, 2023

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