Restore Your Heart With Meditation
The ancient practice of meditation can do more than just relax the mind. Recent studies have revealed that meditation can positively impact heart health by reducing stress and lowering blood pressure and heart rate.
Mindfulness and meditation can benefit overall health, including heart health. The age-old practice uses quiet contemplation, breathing and sustained focus to help let go of stress and feel calmer and more peaceful. It can be thought of as a mini vacation from stress in life.
Psychological stress increases the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. This causes a release of harmful hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These harmful hormones fasten the heart rate, increase cardiac output, and narrow the arteries. As meditation induces deep relaxation in the mind and body, the stress subsides, and stability is restored.
How to make it a habit?
Once people understand the basics of the practice, the next challenge is making it a habit. Like every other lifestyle change, it takes time to incorporate meditation into everyday life and build it into a routine. Here are some tips:
. Set a daily alarm on the phone or block out time on a digital calendar
. Try an app that reminds it’s time to meditate and then record the length of the session
. Start by practicing a few minutes every day and increase the time in small amounts until the goal is reached
Simple steps to connect with the heart’s energy:
. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
. Let go of any thoughts and the world outside.
. Focus the attention on the spiritual heart center (the middle of the chest) and be aware of the heart as a space.
. Resting the attention on the heart center, breathe gently and sense the breath flowing into the heart. One may also visualize a coolness permeating the chest.
. Breathe normally and steadily.
. For the next few minutes, sit and listen to the heart. The heart will gradually begin to release emotions, wishes, memories, dreams, and fears long stored inside. If the mind wanders, gently return to the focus on the heart.
. Upon completing the meditation practice, take a few moments to reflect on the practice.
Why is it good for heart health?
Several studies have shown that meditation can lower stress levels, reduce cortisol levels, and improve heart health. Meditation can activate the “rest-and-digest” functions of the body, which counteracts the “flight-or-fight” responses. With daily meditation practice, people can lower their heart rate and blood pressure, which may reduce the risk of heart diseases. (IANS)