Surging In The Polls, Nikki Haley Dubs The Senate A ‘Nursing Home’
India-West News Desk
With The Hill reporting that a lead pollster for former President Donald Trump, Tony Fabrizio has told Republican donors that Nikki Haley is surging in the Iowa polls after the recent Republican presidential debate, the Indian American politician seems to have become more emboldened.
Known for carefully moving with the wind, Haley has now lashed out against the US Senate calling it a ‘nursing home.” She was asked on Fox News about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s latest episode of freezing up while addressing the press.
“What I will say is, right now, the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. I mean, Mitch McConnell has done some great things and he deserves credit. But you have to know when to leave.” She also used the moment to pivot into attacking Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who even Democrats have called for her to step down. Haley also predictably drew attention to President Joe Biden’s age.
“I think that we do need mental competency tests for anyone over the age of 75, I wouldn’t care if they did them over the age of 50. But these are people making decisions on our national security. They’re making decisions on our economy, on the border. We need to know they’re at the top of their game,” Haley said on Fox News
Porus Dadabhoy
Her performance at the debate was balanced and based on facts. Her statement on being on the top of their game is valid for both parties and their leaders.If she repeats her performance in September debate she could become their Presidential Contestant based on MERIT and the front runner in Iowa.
September 1, 2023FTurbbo
There was an Indian American governor of South Carolina or some place like, that who went into oblivion after the governorship. Being an ex-goner does not make you qualified for federal office. Anyone can be a governor since most of the work is done by the staff and different agencies and one must makes sure that he or she don’t bump into the furniture. She has absolutely no administrative experience in Federal govt or which is not the same as being a governor. The only reason this woman has made it this far, is because she is hiding her 100% Indian ancestry and courtesy of trump giving her a position in United Nations which anyone with a college degree can sail thru. She thinks she is Margaret Thacher but sorry to deflate her ego..she is not. She is cogent but not an intellectual like VRam. After the debate her she’s getting like 3% over and beyond her consistent 2% but she is still in single digits but she stood out because the rest of them,except VRam were not the brightest bunch. Another loser was Ron D. who campaign money has dried up.
September 1, 2023