Wellness And Spirituality Website Launched In NY
India-West Staff Reporter
NEW YORK, NY – A new wellness and spirituality web magazine founded by journalist Parveen Chopra was launched on January 21 at the Consulate of India in New York.
Chopra, who has rich experience in body-mind-spirit journalism, said that every article they post on his alotusinthemud.com must pass the usableness test — something that the readers can benefit from to better their lives. In his speech at the launch, he summed up his unique content mix, “We tap the world’s religious and spiritual traditions for wisdom as well as draw from the latest medical and scientific research to present content for our readers to be fully productive and successful and yet be healthy, happy and centered.”
In support he cites articles on the site such as, ‘Practical uses of faith—A Zoroastrian perspective’, ‘The 4 happy hormones and how to boost them’, ‘Is work worship – renegotiating work-life balance’ and ‘Beware the frozen food convenience’.
Launching the website, Jaiswal congratulated Chopra for the initiative which he called as “another slice of India in America, promoting wellness through yoga, right food habits, etc, and from which people should take benefit”.
Guest speakers at the launch included Nitin Ajmera, Chairman of the Parliament of the World’s Religions (via a video message); Reverend Tom Goodhue, Executive Director Emeritus of Long Island Council of Churches; Arvind Vora, founder of Shanti Fund that promotes Gandhi’s ideals among school children in Suffolk County; and Dr Bhaswati Bhattacharya, a licensed physician affiliated with Cornell Medical College and author of ‘Everyday Ayurveda’ published by Penguin Random House.