July Fundraising: Harris Pulls In $310 Million, Trump $139
Photo: Reuters/Dustin Chambers
WASHINGTON, DC (REUTERS) – The Harris campaign announced on August 2 that it raised $310 million in July, fueled by small-dollar donations that flowed into the war chest after President Joe Biden bowed out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.
The July figure – more than double the $138.7 million raised by Republican rival Donald Trump in the same month – brings the total money raised by Harris and Biden before her to more than $1 billion, the fastest a presidential campaign has crossed that threshold in history, the campaign said.
More than $200 million of the $310 million came in the first week following Biden’s endorsement of Harris, the campaign said.
Two-thirds of the July donations came from first-time donors and 94% of the donations were $200 or less, the campaign said.
“This is a history-making haul for a candidate who will make history this November. The tremendous outpouring of support we’ve seen in just a short time makes clear the Harris coalition is mobilized, growing, and ready to put in the work to defeat Trump this November,” said Harris for President Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.
The Harris campaign had $377 million in cash on hand at the end of the month, $50 million more than the Trump campaign’s $327 million.
Rao Palanki
Fake news again! Go and do fact checking , India West!
August 2, 2024