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From our Readers

By T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA It is interesting to note the historical development of democracy.  Up until the Renaissance period, 14th to 17th century, in Europe, human intellectual development was blocked by religious faiths, each faith with its own unquestionable belief

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA I am writing to express my concern regarding the recent sports sponsorship deals between Saudi Arabia and high-profile athletes. While these deals may have economic benefits, they serve to "sportswash" the Saudi government's poor human

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA The tension in the Middle East has reached new heights following Israel's bombing of southern Lebanon and Gaza. The attack comes in the wake of repeated attacks by Israeli police on Palestinian worshippers in the

From Girish Modi, Decatur, GA America is the only country in the world that spends more money than it collects in taxes. That’s is why every few years it needs to raise the “debt ceiling” so that it can issue more treasury

From Girish Modi, Decatur, GA The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for one year in which millions of people have been displaced and cities have been destroyed. There is no end is in sight even though the Ukrainian

By T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA Over the past few decades, extremists in each political party have grown in number and strength, minimizing chances of compromise on various issues.  Extremists are the ones who took extreme positions in their campaigns, inciting their

By T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA Little attention is being paid to the brewing civil unrest likely to mature at the next presidential election in 2024.  Political party leaders are causing it by their devotion to strengthening their respective parties to win

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA Long abandoned by the Biden administration and much of the Islamic world, the Taliban and their geriatric brethren in Iran, have long declared their war on women. Many girls are lamenting they were born in

From Kheven Lee LaGrone, Daly City, CA After years of fighting and dying, the Black Civil Rights Movement culminated with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  It’s a landmark in African American, as well as American, history.  The Civil Rights Act

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA Like most others, American political system was formed in a period of crisis.  It was the offspring of a revolution against the then British Monarch.  Normally, political revolutions are not noted for their originality but mostly

From Dr. Ajay P. Kothari, President, Astrox Corporation I emigrated to the US – legally - almost 50 years ago. I have been a citizen for more than 35 years. I received MS and Ph.D. from the University of Maryland becoming

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA FIFA, the sponsoring agency for world soccer, has a long history of corruption. Inexplicably, they chose Qatar to host the world soccer games which should have been automatically disqualified because of its soaring high temperatures.

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA The withdrawal of Russian forces from the Kherson region may call for celebration to boost the morale of Ukrainian forces and its citizens.  However, the Ukrainian victory in Kherson battle is loaded with anxiety about the

From Girish Modi, Decatur, GA Democracy is a good form of governance since it allows freedom to citizens and a free market economy – two major factors in a happy life. However, democracy does not work as it should because of

From Sundar Viswam, Bengaluru, India I was never too interested in politics and elections, even though my father had been a journalist in India and abroad for more than 60 years. One of his kids was expected to follow his genes

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA Ever since Russia attacked Ukraine in February ’22, NATO has been organizing and reorganizing itself to protect Ukraine.  NATO’s warnings to Russia and protection assurances to Ukraine have been of little help to Ukraine. With the liberal

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA Bombshell allegations about Herschel Walker, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Georgia, have drawn renewed attention to the debate over abortion. Walker has taken a strong anti-abortion position but has been stung by a

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA During the last six months, with frequent threats of nuking, Putin’s name has become synonymous with nuking.  Putin the Nuke. Putin, in pursuit of his personal ego, has exhausted the Russian army, destroyed Ukraine, disrupted the world

From Nirmalya Chatterjee, Las Vegas, NV What a difference the last six months have made in the US economic condition. People have lost over 25% value in their 401K accounts as the market has officially entered the bear market state. Thirty

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA A local Iranian activist is urging millions of female Iranians and women throughout the Muslim world to oppose the compulsory hijab laws following the murder of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurd by the “morality police,” -

From Girish Modi, Decatur, GA With the death of Queen Elizabeth II after a 70-year reign, many believe this is the time for change. Some are seeking an end to the monarchy, while others have their sights on something more tangible:

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA God makes His presence felt to those who start considering themselves almighty. Putin’s “Superpower” status is reduced to powerlessness, loneliness, and desperation by his war on Ukraine.  It seems like a repeat of David v/s Goliath. With the

From Girish Modi, Decatur, GA The death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II at the ripe age of 96 years has once again drawn the attention of the world media. A monarch’s role is just ceremonial. Their only job is to preside over

From Rishikant Singh, New York and New Delhi, Former Air India Manager in the US Any land or religion born out of conquering, cheating the natives out of their land, duping, and enticing the common poor man to change their beliefs

From Vincent Spada, New England Let it be understood: 75 years ago, India fought and won an unusual war. It was a battle against the British empire, which had dominated the region and much of the country for the past three

From Sundar Viswam, Bengaluru, India Notifications from the Indian government over the last year curtailing the rights of Overseas Citizens of India Cardholders (OCCs) should come as a huge disappointment to persons of Indian origin living in India or overseas. The

From Gita Sikand, Assoc.Clinical Professor, UCI, CA In response to the article https://indiawest.com/why-i-refuse-to-celebrate-indias-independence-day/ I wish to refute author Shakeel Syed with the key findings of a new Pew Research Center report on “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation.”  Briefly, in 2020, the Pew Research Survey examined religious tolerance in Indian

From Rathnam Indurthy, Ph.D., Retired Professor, McNeese State University, Lake Charles. LA On June 24, 2022, by a majority of 5/ 9 vote, the US Supreme Court announced an earthshaking decision declaring that Roe V. Wade (1973) which had allowed abortion

From Neil Pal, Irvine, CA American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county, and

From Author Hem Raj Jain, Shakopee, MN, USA On July 20 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared that Russia militarily will snatch more territories from Ukraine and said that "[geographical tasks will extend still further from the current line. Now the

From Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, CA Another mass shooting, in the suburb of Highland Park Chicago grips America. The multiple guns used by the shooter were purchased legally, courtesy of the NRA, Republicans, and radical members of the Supreme Court. No one is

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA In the United States, technologically, we have advanced rapidly, but politically, we are still operating “Model A” of democracy.  As a result, today, from technical perspective, we have solutions to most problems, and from political perspective,

From Dr. Rathnam Indurthy, Retired Professor McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA While an overwhelming number of countries have denounced Russia in the UN Security Council, UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council, India along with China and a

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA Under the euphoria of Democracy as the best form of government, we are not able to identify its weaknesses too dangerous to ignore.  Socrates and Machiavelli, at different times in history, pointed out that democracy would

From Dr. Rathnam Indurthy, Retired Professor McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA Asserting that Ukraine had no existence as a state and that Ukrainians and Russians are one people, out of hubris, Vladimir Putin ordered an unprovoked and unjustified invasion of

From Nirmalya Chatterjee, Henderson, NV The crisis in Ukraine has underscored the new reality that India has changed in the past decade. The country has refused to succumb to the continued pressure of the United States and Western Europe to engage

From Satwant Khangura, Union City, CA As you know, given the current economic issues of high inflation, and gas prices, a lot of people are hurting economically, and certainly the ones already on the margins are worst off.  We need to support

From  T.S.Khanna, Alamo, CA Russia’s political culture has been shaped by its past Czars and Dictators.  They turned Ukraine into the crucible of cataclysms: Ukrainian language banned, books confiscated, intellectuals and patriots murdered, peasants starved to break their resistance during the

From Geeta Sikand, Irvine, CA Recently, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Report has falsely attacked India for curbing the religious freedom of its minorities. It has recommended placing India on the ‘blacklist’ as a “Country of Particular Concern,” a practice

From Dr. Rangaesh Gadasalli , Los Angeles This is with reference to your front-page article in India West (May 20, 2022) about some US Congressmen and women with regard to India’s response to the situation in Ukraine. These four lawmakers, Pramila Jayapal, Ami Bera,  Ro

From Rajvinder Kaur Heyer Dhillon, Mountain House, CA On March 9, I never thought my father’s dream that royalty and entrenched elite would be uprooted come true in the Punjab elections of March 9. After the Punjab elections, the world now has

From Nirmalya Chatterjee, Henderson, NV The last time nuclear weapons were used for war purposes was towards the end of the second world war in August of 1945 when the United States dropped nuclear bombs in Japan. Many more sophisticated and

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA May 9th could be the D-day for the “Lightining Fast” Nuke Putin has been warning about. When one feels defeated by conventional weapons, one threatens the use of nukes. Putin has given his fourth warning. To maintain

From Rajvinder Kaur Heyer Dhillon, Mountain House, CA January is the month Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born, another leader Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated and is marked by the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. February is Black History Month which inspired

From Pradeep Srivastava, Albany, CA In light of Earth Day, coming up on April 22, it would be a good idea to remind ourselves that just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes the entire world to

From Girish Modi, Decatur, GA After reading the opinion of your reader in, ‘Vladimir Putin: Rawan On Steroids’, I am writing this for millions like him who have fallen victims to American propaganda against Russia and China. America has succeeded with help

From Nirmalya Chatterjee, Henderson, NV India has been very close to and dependent on Russia since its independence in 1947. Much of India’s arms supply comes from Russia. On the diplomatic front, Russia has stood beside India on some of its

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA The English language does not provide enough words to adequately describe Vladimir Putin’s character. In Indian mythology, there exists a character, Rawan, the enemy of Lord Rama, who comes close to Putin. In satanic deeds, Putin

From Neera Kuckreja Sohoni, author In a recent press face-off, FL’s Governor Ron DeSantis was asked about two-term limits for School Board Members. Expressing his support, he rightly pointed out how indefinite terms hurt our democracy. He further clarified that two

From T.S. Khanna, Alamo, CA After WWI -1914-18 - President Woodrow Wilson, reviewing the enormity of the war atrocities, thought the human experience of that war would be a great deterrent to future wars. In 1917, in the Bolshevik Revolution the Russian